All new initiatives will be “workload impact assessed”,with TUs and staff consulted in a timely manner before these initiatives are added to any time budget. The priorities identified by management for the school year will be reflected in the direct impact on staff workload within these directed time budgets.
- Agreement between Management and Trade Union Side of the Teachers’ Negotiating Committee TNC 2020/1 Workload – ‘An agreed framework will be put in place to consult on and workload assess all new initiatives and proposals which may increase teachers’ workload’.
- Agreement between Management and Trade Union Side of the Teachers’ Negotiating Committee TNC 2020/1 FAQ Q2 – ‘The Principal is responsible for determining a time budget for each member of the teaching staff, giving due regard to the individual responsibilities of each teacher. While the spirit of the agreement is that Principals and each member of staff should seek to reach agreement on a teacher’s time budget, teachers will not have freedom to decide for themselves how they allocate their time. Principals will need to plan the use of the 1265 hours carefully. If they do not, there could be a danger’
- EA Health & Safety Statement & Policy 2023 – ‘actively identifying health and safety hazards and unsafe processes/systems of work with a view to eliminating, controlling or minimising risk where practicable through a recognised assessment process; engaging and consulting with all employees and their representatives on health, safety and wellbeing by establishing and maintaining consultative committees.’
- TNC 2024/2 Workload Agreement 1.1d – ‘to protect and enhance the professional relationships within a school;’
- TNC 2024/2 Workload Agreement 1.2.2.i – ‘That workloads will continue to be managed in an open, fair and equitable way at departmental/school level and that Teachers are able to challenge unfair and/or unreasonable distribution of workload.’
- TNC 2024/2 Workload Agreement 1.2.2.ii -That workloads will be such that contractual duties will normally be completed within contractual hours. Actual work patterns may vary to meet the needs of the school, the department and, if appropriate, the individual but will not involve regular directed working during unsocial hours except with consultation and agreement and with a minimum of 5 working days’ notice.
- TNC 2024/2 Workload Agreement 5.1d – ‘Some Teachers will be in receipt of Teaching Allowances or Special Educational Needs Allowances for specific duties. These duties must also be allowed for within the time budget of 1265 hours, taking cognisance of the guidance on cover arrangements (Section 6).’
- TNC 2024/2 Workload Agreement 5.1e – ‘There is a range of other professional activities that go on regularly within schools. If a Teacher is expected to carry out any duty that is deemed reasonable and in balance with the duties allocated to colleagues, then it must also be accounted for in the time budget. Due attention must be paid to ensure that there is work/life balance, in line with the Strategy for Teacher Health and Wellbeing in Northern Ireland (TNC 2011/1), particularly where a Teacher volunteers to take on additional duties on an unremunerated basis’