
“Publicity can be terrible. But only if you don’t have any.”

Jane Russell

think1265 will have a series of focused topics over the next 12 weeks, and there will be posters to highlight each of them. So ask your union reps to put up these posters in your staff room. (Remember, though, you don’t have a right to just fire posters up around the school without some authorisation or agreement from management. However, union reps have a facility to communicate with their members through a dedicated noticeboard, and that is protected by the “recognition agreement” between the employers and the recognised Trade Unions.)

So ask a union rep to stick the posters up!


For higher quality posters please email us.

The think1265 Charter – simplified version for staffrooms.

Please ask your union rep to put a copy of this up in your staff room. This is the key document that is central to our campaign. Getting DTBs right, and getting them compliant with our workload agreements, is the single most important thing we can do today to improve our working lives. Display the poster. Lead the conversation. Sign the petition.

Free Labour is expensive.
If it’s not on your DTB then it’s not on.
Phoning parents counts as work.
Teaching Allowance duties must be included in your DTB.
Taking work home is the exception, not the rule.
1265 hours per year is a maximum, not a target
It looks like you’re trying to write a Directed Time Budget…
A Directed Time Budget is for 195 days, not just for August.
Sure you can catch up on that marking tonight, right?
Launch Poster – The campaign for a positive work/life balance has begun.

Good Friday in…

55Days 05Hours 32Minutes 44Seconds

Designed and produced by teachers and trade unionists. While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of information on this site, teacher and union representatives are advised to contact their own trade union reps before taking action which might leave them in breach of contract. Think1265 uses WordPress, which uses cookies for functionality. Think1265 does not use any cookies for any purpose other than those used by WordPress for site functionality, and no personal information is retained or processed by think1265 without users’ specific permission. © 2025 think1265