A school calendar containing details of all meetings for theforthcoming year will be issued in the summer term of the preceding one.All meetings will be “impact assessed” prior to goinginto the calendar, to ensure teacher time is used efficiently.
- Advice on Developing Directed Time Budgets Appendix A https://www.eani.org.uk/sites/default/files/2020-06/Advice%20on%20Developing%20%20Directed%20Time%20Budgets%20050620.pdf – ‘all the time a teacher is directed to be on school premises (including parent consultation meetings); an annual schedule of meetings provided in advance of the academic year; all meetings, including for those with teaching allowances;’
- Agreement between Management and Trade Union Side of the Teachers’ Negotiating Committee TNC 2020/1 Workload https://www.education-ni.gov.uk/sites/default/files/publications/education/TNC%202020-1%20Agreement%20Between%20Management%20and%20Trade%20Union%20Side%20of%20the%20Teachers%20%20Negotiating%20Committee.pdf – ‘An annual schedule of meetings will be provided in advance of the academic year. Meetings for all staff, including those with teaching allowances will be accommodated within Directed Time budgets.’
- Advice on Developing Directed Time Budgets https://www.eani.org.uk/sites/default/files/2020-06/Advice%20on%20Developing%20%20Directed%20Time%20Budgets%20050620.pdf – ‘Evening meetings are included within Directed Time. These should normally be included within the schedule of meetings provided in the school calendar at the beginning of the academic year. It is recommended that schools develop locally agreed provisions which provide a degree of flexibility for when such meetings need to be rearranged due to exceptional or unforeseen circumstances.’
- Directed Time Budget Guidance for Principals FAQs Q6 https://ennilive-my.sharepoint.com/personal/bmckenna686_c2ken_net/_layouts/15/onedrive.aspx?id=%2Fpersonal%2Fbmckenna686%5Fc2ken%5Fnet%2FDocuments%2FDTB%2FDTB%20%2D%20FAQs%20%2D%20Sway%202022%2Epdf&parent=%2Fpersonal%2Fbmckenna686%5Fc2ken%5Fnet%2FDocuments%2FDTB&ga=1 – ‘Q6a It is for the Principal to determine the number of meetings required to meet the school’s development needs. This decision should be reflected in the Annual Schedule of Meetings that will be distributed amongst all staff at the beginning of the year. Principals should also ensure that once meetings are scheduled, there is enough time remaining in the teacher’s time budget to cover all other professional responsibilities including PPA time. Q6b Yes, a schedule of meetings for staff should be provided at the start of the school year, which contains dates and times. The schedule of meetings will be reflected in the non-teaching component of the Directed Time budget. Creating a Directed Time budget without this information may result in staff exhausting their obligatory hours before the end of the school year. (1.2)
- TNC 2024/2 Workload Agreement 1.1 https://www.education-ni.gov.uk/sites/default/files/publications/education/TNC%202024-2%20%20Workload%20Agreemeent.pdf – ‘c. to ensure that members of staff are able to observe their contractual requirements, pursue their careers and undertake their day to day duties without unfair and unreasonable requirements being placed on them in relation to those duties and with sufficient time to enjoy a reasonable work/life balance; d. to protect and enhance the professional relationships within a school; e. to ensure that Boards of Governors as employers are aware of and in a position to meet their legal obligations with respect to employment matters and to operate within the spirit of the legislation governing Working Time and Health and Safety.
- TNC 2024/2 Workload Agreement 1.2.2.ii https://www.education-ni.gov.uk/sites/default/files/publications/education/TNC%202024-2%20%20Workload%20Agreemeent.pdf -That workloads will be such that contractual duties will normally be completed within contractual hours. Actual work patterns may vary to meet the needs of the school, the department and, if appropriate, the individual but will not involve regular directed working during unsocial hours except with consultation and agreement and with a minimum of 5 working days’ notice.
- TNC 2024/2 Workload Agreement 3.1 https://www.education-ni.gov.uk/sites/default/files/publications/education/TNC%202024-2%20%20Workload%20Agreemeent.pdf – Directed Time means time spent on any activity which the Principal has determined that Teacher shall undertake. A Teacher shall be available to perform such duties at such times and such places as may reasonably be specified by the Principal. All the time that a Teacher has to be on school premises is included in Directed Time. Time spent off school premises in preparing and marking lessons is not included in a Teacher’s Directed Time
- TNC 2024/2 Workload Agreement 5.1f https://www.education-ni.gov.uk/sites/default/files/publications/education/TNC%202024-2%20%20Workload%20Agreemeent.pdf – ‘An annual schedule of meetings will be provided in advance of the academic year. Meetings for all staff, including those with teaching allowances will be accommodated within Directed Time budgets’